First cutting this season!

The weather was fine and it was time to cut the piece of land next to the ”garden”.

2013-05-12_Fors 001_1200

On my way …

The result (part of) with a view over the swamp and the lake.

Result from day 1, 2013

Result from day 1, 2013

Afterwards my friend was satisfied with what he done!

After some hours of hard work...

After some hours of hard work…

I am not totally satisfied with the replacement belt for the grass cutter that I bought from the UK. I have not mentioned this earlier, but I have also tried to get some other replacement belt. I have found one that I will test. The problem with the one I have, is that it ”slirar” – it seems to be a few cm´s too long. I will come back with a report on this when I have tried the other ones.